Antioch's Mission Statement

Antioch's Rich History

As we look over the past history of this church, our memories are filled with mixed emotions. There were moments filled with sadness and moments filled with happiness; moments of sunshine and yet moments of rain; moments of peace yet moments of confusion; moments of togetherness and yet moments of separation. But we, like the Apostle Paul, have learned to be content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.


For we know that every day will not be sunny in any person’s life. We have come through storms, and God has led us safely thus far. In the words of a great poet as he experienced the unusual weight of loneliness and despair, “I am pressing on the upward way, new heights I am gaining every day. Still praying as I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher grounds.”


On September 22, 2013, Rev. Darryl Caldwell was voted as the honored and esteemed pastor-elect of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Banks, AL. He graciously accepted his calling to serve as a dedicated and faithful leader. His first sermon as pastor-elect, was entitled “The Story Behind the Glory”.


Rev. Caldwell’s greatest emphasis is on the need for spiritual growth and development through the teaching of God’s word. Great results have occurred with his leadership at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, and evidence of a dramatic attendance increase at church, Bible Study and Sunday School. In addition, new addition has been added to the church, and the Sunday School curriculum has been expanded to accommodate participation of more age groups. Under Rev. Caldwell’s leadership, an educational wing was built in honor of the late Dr. L. C. McMillian. A tutorial program has been established to help struggling students as well as helping others to maintain their grades. These accommodations and modifications support students on the move ahead of their studies. Pastor Caldwell has shared with the congregation that God has given him a vision of what the future holds for Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. He continues to share God’s vision for out church family, and our congregation continues to grasp his vision to help bring it into reality. This has made Pastor Caldwell move in a direction to soaring higher heights, since he is also very serious about his heavenly and earthly’s Father’s business. He remains humble, loving, and spiritual as he continues to preach the good news of Christ Jesus and compel the lost souls to come to Christ.


Needless to say, under Rev. Darryl Caldwell’s leadership, Antioch has grown spiritually through meaningful worship, love, and fellowship. Church services are held every Sunday. We have a beautiful music ministry, which includes four of the best musicians and drummer. The church has been one of the best adult choirs, newly established youth and young adult choirs, and a magnificent male chorus. Antioch is blessed to have such a wonderful pastor, who is known and admired for his Christ centered leadership, integrity, and good character.

Rev. Caldwell continues to spread the love of Christ through his teaching and ministry.


Let your light shine that all will see your great works.

We, the members of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, have made this resolution that we shall continue to press toward the mark of a higher calling of God for it is with this commitment and with this determination, we shall continue to serve until the Lord of host shall say, “Enough is done!” We shall forever strive in doing our fair share in making our lives, our homes, our community, and our world a better place for all of God’s children. It is with this spirit and with this determination, we, the officers and members of this church, shall continue to carry out the mandate that Christ Jesus, the holy one of Israel has laid to our charge to keep.