
Deacon Ministry

The Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Deacons Ministry’s main purpose is to nurture and strengthen families in the Lord. The work of the deacon is an extension of the Pastor’s ministry to love and care for families, and to serve as ministers of mercy to the congregation.

Deacons are also involved in the administration of the two ordinances of the church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Deacons are appointed by the Pastor. You will find deacons visiting the sick and shut-in, conducting prayer services, attending Bible studies, and even at the door to shake your hand at the end of each worship service.

Deaconess Ministry

The Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Deaconess Ministry provides assistance and care to the members of the congregation and community. You will find them visiting the sick and bereaved, promoting unity, serving the congregation, and supporting the vision of our Pastor while edifying the Kingdom of God.

Brotherhood Ministry

The goal of the Brotherhood Ministry is to define roles, responsibilities which spiritually and emotionally prepare men for leadership and service in their family relationships, church, and community. Brothers unite by studying and keeping God’s Word on a daily walk in an unbelieving world.

Greeters Ministry

Ushers and greeters serve as Antioch Missionary Baptist Church doorkeepers to ensure that worshipers feel welcome. They assist the Pastor by maintaining reverence and order so members and visitors may receive the message. They collectively work as a team to greet and seat worshipers contentedly and swiftly.

They help the Pastor fulfill the vision God has given him by making those who come through the doors of the church feel at home. The Word of God calls us an ambassador of the Most High God to His people. Therefore, ushers should strive to serve in a way that is pleasing to God and helpful to His divine purpose.

Music Ministry

Music is a part of our worship experience at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. The music ministry’s purpose is to uplift the church and congregation through appropriate hymns and spiritual songs. Hopefully our music will glorify, edify, and minister to all of our worshipers. Every ensemble of the church strives toward musical excellence and focuses on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through song.

“And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: Many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust the  LORD.” (Psalms 40:3)

Youth Ministry

The Antioch Missionary Baptist Church youth ministry’s responsibility is to motivate the heart of the youth to profess Jesus Christ as Lord. They teach the principles of the Lord Jesus Christ to help and encourage the youth to increase in their knowledge of God, walk worthy of the Lord, and progress in their Christian growth. The youth ministry provides the biblical instruction to promote spiritual growth, and to prepare our youth for the challenges of life in today’s society.  They help the youth to pursue a balanced way of living through spiritual, social, emotional, and physical wholeness by providing fun functions and other activities.

Tutorial Ministry

The purpose of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church tutorial ministry is to educate the youth and adults. They encourage their students to strive for excellence in all of their studies.  They give assistance in all areas including but not limited to computer skills, schoolwork, projects, writing skills, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math).  Tutorial services are provided every Thursday and every other Wednesday.

Transportation Ministry

The purpose of the Transportation Ministry is to increase the opportunities for individuals, particularly those with limited access to reliable and safe transportation, to regularly attend church functions. They extend both their services and themselves to the congregation and the community. Our Transportation Ministry’s desire is to provide accommodations for members to accompany the Pastor and the church to outside fellowships and various engagements.

“And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”   (Luke 14:23)

To schedule pickup, please contact the following people a day prior to services:
Deacon James Boswell at 334-566-8179
Sis. Rosalynd Pollard at 334-670-6823 or 334-301-6336
Sis. Helen Collins at 334-465-1938

Sunday School

Sunday School is all about transforming lives through the obedience to God. It is a vital part of the formula for building the church. Sunday School offers educational materials that provides explanation of scripture and meaningful life applications. Scripture teaches that members of the body are to be built up or prepared to do the work of the ministry.  Sunday School is more than Bible Study.

The Bible is our text, but there must be practical and specific ways to implement God’s word. Through Sunday School, leaders can be developed, lives transformed, and the kingdom of God spread. The teacher under the leadership of the pastor and Sunday School Superintendent casts the vision for spiritual and numerical growth. The teacher or teachers must be committed to lead the class to become knowledgeable in understanding of the lessons and scriptures. Hopefully, after lessons taught, you will be inspired and informed in your daily walk with Christ.

Missionary Ministry, Matrons, and Pearls

The purpose of the Missionary Ministry is to emulate, love, serve, and be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. Their greatest efforts are to encourage spiritual growth and Kingdom building by: reaching out, serving God, and loving one another. As born again believers in Christ Jesus, their goal is to model after the Savior by displaying spiritual maturity. Their minds are transforming daily by reading the Bible, praying, teaching, forgiving, and trusting in God’s Holy Word. Therefore as Christians, we should let our light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.